“Lettere a mia nonna”: Djamila Ribeiro’s book dedicated to her grandmother reaches the Italian public

Translated by Alessia Di Eugenio and Nicola Biasiohe, the Italian edition of “Cartas para minha avó” (“Letters to my grandmother” in free translation) was launched this week by Capovolte Edizioni.
On her Instagram profile, Djamila Ribeiro celebrated the news.
“It is a joy to see this work reaching other audiences, countries, and hearts. Gratitude to my translators and to my publisher for the beautiful work. D. Antônia is winning the world,” posted the Brazilian philosopher.
In “Cartas para minha avó” (Companhia das Letras), Djamila revisits her childhood and adolescence to discuss themes such as black ancestry, state violence, and the challenges of raising children in a structurally racist society.
The narrative takes the form of letters to the dearly missed Grandmother Antônia – affectionate and loving, knowledgeable about healing herbs and a much-sought-after healer.
The complicity that has always existed between grandmother and granddaughter is what allows the author to recall difficult episodes, such as the loss of her father and mother, the attacks she suffered as a black woman in Brazil and the challenges of integrating academic life.
Djamila also talks about romantic relationships and professional experiences, the music, reading and friendships that accompanied her in her personal construction, as well as the gradual realization that the memory of the struggles and achievements of black people who came before us is undoubtedly the strength that allows us to move forward.
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