Djamila Ribeiro Attends Bruna Lombardi’s Book Launch

On Wednesday 17th, in São Paulo, Djamila Ribeiro attended the launch of Bruna Lombardi’s book of chronicles, “Manual para corações machucados” (“Manual for Broken Hearts” in free translation). On Instagram, the Brazilian philosopher highlighted the power of the work:
“It was a joy to honor the launch of the book ‘Manual para corações machucados’ by my dear sis Bruna Lombardi. The deep waters from which her words emerge touch us as they deal with love with frankness, elegance, and wisdom.”
In addition to a copy for her personal collection, Djamila acquired another for the library at Espaço Feminismos Plurais:
“I took two to the signing session: one for myself and another for the Toni Morrison Library at Espaço Feminismos Plurais, where it is available for reading,” she emphasized.
Djamila also expressed gratitude for being one of the writers of the back cover of the book.
“I extend my congratulations to the author for yet another beautiful work, in which I have the honor of signing the back cover, in the distinguished company of Itamar Vieira Júnior, José Eduardo Agualusa e Martha Medeiros”.
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