Djamila Ribeiro conducts training for educators from Recife and Ipojuca at the opening of the school year

On February 1st, the Guararapes Theater in Recife was the stage for the opening event of the 2024 school year for the Municipal Education Network of the capital of Pernambuco. Completely packed, the event featured lectures by Djamila Ribeiro and the poet and cordelista Bráulio Bessa. The theme of the meeting, “Education in Recife: inclusion, respect for differences, and citizenship for social transformation,” will be addressed in classrooms throughout 2024. On the 2nd, Djamila spoke to educators from the municipality of Ipojuca.
Foto: Paulo Melo
In Recife, Djamila emphasized the importance of the debate on inclusion in the classroom and the fundamental role of teachers in racial literacy. “It’s a joy to be here today and to be able to talk to these educators about a topic that is so important, anti-racist education. It’s important to humanize! When we humanize, we realize that we have much more similarities and many more bridges with people than walls. So, educators, be those bridges, because that way we will be responsible for the change we want and believe in for our city, state, and country,” she said in her presentation.
On social media, the Brazilian philosopher also highlighted her participation in the events: “Happy to start the year working by doing one of the things I love most: exchanging ideas with those who are on the frontline in the classroom!” she posted on Instagram.
Approximately 3,900 education professionals participated in the event held in Recife, either in person or remotely.
*With information from Recife City Hall
*Photos by Paulo Melo
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