Djamila Ribeiro presents ‘Where We Stand’ to the Brooklyn Book Festival audience

Djamila Ribeiro shared on Instagram the launch of ‘Where We Stand’ at the Brooklyn Book Festival. The Brazilian philosopher participated in the panel “Hallowed Ground: Claiming a Literary Inheritance,” moderated by writer Saidiya Hartman. The event, held on September 29 at St. Ann & The Holy Trinity Church, discussed, among other topics, the literary heritage of Black women authors.
With name and surname, as Lélia González taught us, I had the honor of participating in the Brooklyn Book Festival on the panel Hallowed Ground: Claiming a Literary Inheritance, moderated by Saidyia Hartman, alongside the inspiring Edwige Danticat and Dionne Brand”, she emphasized. “The exchange of ideas on Black literary inheritance and our legacies was profound and transformative. Deep gratitude to everyone who attended, especially those who stayed for the signing session. Moments like this remind us of the importance of telling our own stories”, Djamila celebrated on social media.
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