Djamila Ribeiro

Milano: Djamila Ribeiro talks about gender equality at Tempo Delle Donne

On September 8, Djamila Ribeiro took part in Tempo Delle Donne, an event hosted by the Italian newspaper Correiere Della Sera. It was Djamila’s third trip to Italy this year alone. After the launches of the Italian editions of ‘Lugar de Fala’ and ‘Pequeno Manual Antirracista’, the invitations to visit the European country increased.



At Tempo Delle Donne, Djamila talk to the audience about gender equality. On social media, she highlighted her time in Italy:

“I loved taking part in the 2023 edition of ‘Tempo Delle Donne’ and bringing my contributions on gender equity. Thank you Francesca Gambarini for the invitation and the generous and careful interview,” wrote the Brazilian writer and activist.



In Italy, Djamila gave an interview to Correire Della Sera:

“It was very exciting to see the 5-page interview in the magazine of Corriere della Sera, Italy’s largest newspaper. I feel very proud of my trajectory, of being able to be a black Brazilian woman recognized for her intellectual and editorial work,” she posted on her Instagram.

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