Djamila Ribeiro

RioMar Festival: Djamila Ribeiro moved by Chico César’s tribute

“I came back from Recife moved. I was in the city for a day for the RioMar Literature Festival, which paid tribute to Machado de Assis and contemporary Black writers. I met the great Lázaro Ramos and participated in a fantastic panel with the teacher and journalist Fabiana Moraes,” wrote Djamila Ribeiro, on the 16th, on her Instagram profile, also highlighting her encounter with Chico César.

“But I want to emphasize the HONOR of being celebrated in song by my dear friend, professor, and brother Chico César, one of the greatest singers and songwriters in this country. In 2020, amid the pandemic, Chico composed the song ‘Djamila’ and posted a video singing it at his home. It took years for us to reunite on stage, until yesterday our Orixás made this moment possible, captured firsthand in the documentary about my life, currently being produced by Nicole Gullane and Liz Dórea. Chico will feature the song on his new album, and I am just grateful. Thank you, dear,” she posted.

Check out the video below of Chico César singing the song “Djamila”:

RioMar Festival

Curated by Carmen Peixoto, the festival opened with a tribute to Machado de Assis. Pernambucan writer and professor Flávia Suassuna, a member of the Pernambuco Academy of Letters (APL), gave a presentation about the author’s life and works.

Next, actor, director, and writer Lázaro Ramos spoke with the young audience present, mediated by Pernambucan journalist Pedro Lins. Following this, it was Djamila Ribeiro’s turn to take the stage to share her experiences. To close the event, there was a concert by the Paraíban singer Chico César.

Throughout the festival, RioMar promoted a campaign to collect children’s and youth literary books, which will be donated to children in the Sertão of Pernambuco.

“HONOR in being celebrated in song by my dear friend, professor, and brother Chico César,” posted the Brazilian philosopher on Instagram.

RioMar Festival: Djamila Ribeiro moved by Chico César’s tribute.

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